My Bio

3 歳から 14 歳までグアム、ハワイで過ごす。14 歳でスカウトされ、82 年「急いで!初恋」で歌手デビュー。
「夏色のナンシー」「PASSION 」などのヒット曲がある。上智大学比較文化学部日本文化学科卒業。
特有の国際感覚とバイリンガルを活かし幅広く活躍。2018 年にはデビュー35 周年記念ベストアルバム
のテーマ曲に起用された。現在、NHK WORLD「Dining with the Chef」 、NHK ラジオ「深夜便ビギナーズ」に
2019年、ミュージカル「Annie アニー」でハニガン役で出演を果たす。
芸能活動の傍ら、ZUMBA、及び AFAA インストラクター取得。
日本アロマ環境協会アロマテラピー検定 1 級を取得。
JCV 世界のこどもにワクチンを日本委員会のスペシャルサポーターとしても活動。
Born in Japan and raised in Hawaii, Yu Hayami's bicultural background is a big part of her successful international career that began in 1982. Her work as a singer and actress spans over 40 years, and her hit songs, "Natsuiro no Nancy" and "PASSION" have delighted her fans. Her music includes a wide range of genres including J-POP, rock, disco, and jazz.
Yu's interests and passions go beyond her musical talent, and she has been deeply involved in charity work, as a special supporter of JCV (Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World's Children) for the past 10 years. In 2016, her song "Koi no Boogie Oogie Train" was the theme song for the United Nations' SDG's. She is a true creative and attained Japan's Sommelier Wine Expert License in 2008, as well as a ZUMBA instructor license and AFAA license in 2018.
To commemorate 35 years in the music business, Yu released a compilation of her hit songs, titled
"Celebration", in 2018.
She played the role of Ms. Hannigan in the Japanese production of the musical, "Annie", in 2019.